Friday, August 22, 2014

Convert Video into an Image Sequence

ffmpeg to the rescue again!!

How to convert a video into a sequence of images? Just type, with your custom parameters:

ffmpeg -i <input_video> -r <images_per_sec> %05d.png
  • <input_video> is, of course, your input video file.
  • <images_per_sec> is the image extraction rate from the video. (Sampling rate from the video, you might say). e.g. 1 would get one image per second.
  • %05d.png means "the image filenames should be five digits long, start at 00001, and have the .png extension (and format).

Honored source:

Thank you honored source!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Making GIFs

I'm back!

Almost 2 years later. That's ok. I found out how to make GIFs!

For this you will need:

  • imageMagick (sudo apt-get install imagemagick).
  • A bunch of JPGs.

convert -delay 42 -loop 0 *.jpg NewGif.gif

You can tweak with the -delay 42 for timing, with the -loop 0 for how many times it loops, and with the file names. Enjoy!